Gamer luv

CRank: 5Score: 5530

By a subscription i never ment what xbl has, i simply ment taking a set percentage from every PS product sold, and basicaly give it PSN?

Ofcourse a small percentage as all companies are far more then greedy, and want as much profit as possible... EA any one?

6307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, some people are crazzy about that sort of thing...

Would do nothing but help sell the games, but its a laid back approach like this which is giving fanboys something to whine about.

Make the PS the best featured, best supported, most fun, enjoyable, with alot of reaplaybility, which rewards you in the end, accept having to sit trhought hours and hours of credits, which no doubt are even longer seeing as the amount of time PS3 games take to make,

6307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally, at the 360 launch i didnt give two sh*ts about them.

Now, i cant imagine not having them, they may not mean anything, but its something to work for, and you feel good once you get them.

There a way of showing of that youve beaten GeOW on Insane, got 10,000 kills online in ranked games, or beaten every race on PGR on platinum.

People who don't have a 360 wont care, but you sort of become attaced, and beating a game without them, seems po...

6307d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope it doesnt leave.
Everyone saying that the SP better then the MP???

I dont get it, ive completed the SP many times with friends, but i do not find it half as fun as playing online.

In terms of controls, once you get the hang of them you can do pretty much whatever you want very easily, i cant think of a game where the controls are sutied better...

As for the "Y" button being a waste, i think its very very useful, when a team ...

6307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hope, to me, means something like, we hope to win the world cup, or we hope to win the world series.
It seems to me like they want nothing more then for it to be free, but they doubt it.

Something which will use so much bandwith is going to cost a hefty sum to maintain and keep it fresh, as much as id like to see it free, i feel that at somepoint in the future, when there is finaly a price drop on the console, that they will start to charge for it, or maybe up the prices...

6307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Keep it free.
I buy a console for gaming, and gaming only, i welcome extras.
a fee of around 10 pence per day is nothing. (XBL)

PSN is free, great, but they need to make money of it somehow, and if it turns out people do not chose to buy different wall papers and carpets etc... for home then they will need to gain the losses from somewhere.

Keeping in mind they are losing money per console, it wouldnt be wise on keeping it free, seeing as it costs, ...

6307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL, all to true.

6308d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Idiot, the fact remains its the fastest selling console game to date.
Best gameplay, best online experience, best graphics...

Not flaming but it will be a while before the PS gets a game to compete, by which time the 360 will have GeOW (the 2nd on the way)Halo 3, Mass Effect, and more.

IMO, if people dont like GeOW, its because they don't like the genre.
Its not even a FPS, so people who like R6:V obviously prefer the realism it includes, along with...

6308d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmm, i assume you mean all three sides... ;P

6311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, Europe is the biggest audience, will have the smallest supply, we get it afew months late, and get charged extra, for less...

Looking forward to it still.
However, everywhere i go, all shops are still taking pre orders, i remember with my 360 they were all sold out within the first month of so round where i live.

6311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree by the time theyre finished with it, it wont be worth buying.

6312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets hope so

6312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But if you had a better online im sure you wouldnt shut up about it.

A Next Gen console without online play worth playing isnt worth having IMO.

6312d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wo wo wo...

If there are no games currently in development, then what about the screens for FF on the PS3?

6312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL @ Deepbrown lol lol lol

Any way, not suprising to me, everyone new the Japs would love the some sh1t£ over and over again.

Now what i dont get is how the western gamers can actualy accept they would rather have a 10th of a series, rather then a whole new franchise?

Like, how many GT's are there, theyve all been pretty much the same accept prettier.

FF, i got pretty bored after i playered the 11th one, everything is to simila...

6314d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really dont like the way Sony fans talk about this.

Its just gloating when neither of the formats have one.
For now Blu Ray may have more support, but when the time comes got the consumer to "up" there format of choice, do you think that the average person is really going to pay the extra, for something with more space?

Now, i lknow im going to get bashed for this by someone, but i have read afew blogs about people who have a HD DVD Player and ...

6314d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just to ask, why do you think i hate the PS3?
Is it because i only ordered a package which cost 500 quid ?

Which, if your American is almost $450 more then what the American equivilent is.

I supose because im paying so "little" that i must hate it...

6317d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After seeing there trailer for Blu Ray, (Names Playsation 3 TV AD)
I dont think id be bothered.
Was the dullest 45 seconds of my life.

6317d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, that makes sense.
You only have to take your WHOLE Playstation to watch them at a friends.

Poke fun at MS "Brick" power cable, but it looks to me like Sony has there one built in.

Will feel like your going on a 20 mile hike with a fore fiesta strapped on your back.

6317d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Donkey Slayer - 17 Hours ago

19.3 - Go to IGN and tally up the scores and total the numbers.. more 90+ games, more 80+ games, more 70+ games
It is rather simple really.

Ok, add all the scores together, 70+80+90, then divide the amount by how many games are listed on ign.

Do the same and you will find that the quality of games for Nintendo and MS are far better then Sonys.
Sony are like ...

6317d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment